Villa Ridge, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What are the Population & Steets of Villa Ridge City, Missouri? Villa Ridge, MO is a large city in southern Illinois and Missouri. It is situated along the Mississippi River. Its weather is generally mild and pleasant from September to December. It is known for its shady trees and picturesque riverfront. However, the city is often plagued with violent crimes, particularly when it comes to property.

Compared to other neighboring cities, Villa Ridge has a slightly higher rent burden. The higher the rent burden, the more expensive the housing market is. Compared to the state average of 29.4%, Villa Ridge's rent burden is higher than the state average of 29.4%. In fact, neighboring cities such as Breckenridge Hills and Leslie have higher rent burdens. Despite these high rent costs, 17.4% of housing units in Villa Ridge are occupied by renters.

The racial makeup of Villa Ridge varies by income level. While Blacks have a higher average income than Whites, Native Americans and other races are the lowest. Those living below the poverty line are less likely to be employed. The average age range for Villa Ridge residents is 35-44 years old. The population is divided into two distinct groups: White and Black. The most common income levels are in health care and social assistance, and retail trade. However, non-citizens include people with legal permanent residency, international students, temporary workers, humanitarian migrants and illegal immigrants.

The median property value in Villa Ridge, MO is $141,500. Homeownership rates are higher than the national average (64.1%). One in every five residents in Villa Ridge, MO drives alone to work. One-quarter of the residents own a car. The median home value in Villa Ridge, MO is $141,500. Two cars per household are average. If you live in Villa Ridge, MO, you'll find a diverse population and high quality of life.