Wataga, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're planning a trip to Watauga, Texas, it may be useful to look at the population and steets of the cities surrounding the town. Listed below are the closest major cities to Wataga City. You can also use the information to get a feel for other cities nearby. These cities are about 4 hours away from Watagauga, Texas, and are close by.

The Watauga City, Tennessee, population is fairly diverse. The average age of residents is 33 years old, which is 4.9 years younger than the median age of the U.S. population. There are 9.70% residents who are over the age of 65. In comparison, 15.2% of the U.S. population is over the age of 65. In addition, the city has a younger population than many surrounding areas.

Although the Watauga school reported a population of 26 in the 1896-97 term, with one teacher employed, the population increased to 65 by the mid-1930s. The same data was available ten years later, when the population grew by 8%. The post-World War II decline that occurred due to defense facilities was overcome and the population increased to 21908 in 2000, and 24199 in 2015.