West Peoria, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you want to know about the population and steets in West Peoria City, Illinois, you should know that this town is part of the greater Peoria, Illinois, metropolitan area. There are two large cities within 56 miles of West Peoria: Peoria and West Peoria City. The big city is good for booking flights between airports, but a smaller town is better for a road trip.

In the city, the median age of the population is 40.9, which is the same as the median age of native-born residents and those who are foreign-born. This shows that people are getting younger, but they are not necessarily living longer. In 2019, the median age of residents of West Peoria, IL was 40.9 years old, so people are still growing older, but that average age is still a great deal lower than it was a few years ago. The foreign-born population of West Peoria, IL comes primarily from Mexico. There are 156 084 foreign-born residents living in the city, while 130 079 are from Poland.

The population of West Peoria, IL, is 4,458 people as of the 2010 census. The population of the city is not very large - a little less than half of Peoria's total population, and the City has a minor civil division - the Township of West Peoria. The area has several geographical landmarks. The city's Giant Oak tree is a famous landmark in the area.