Wonder Lake, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Wonder Lake, IL, population is composed of 97.8% white residents, 0.4% black residents, and 6.9% Hispanic citizens. Wonder Lake, IL's median household income is $62,336 and its population is mainly composed of white people. The city is also home to 8.7% people who speak a language other than English at home. Of the population, 3.8% of people are 20-29 years old, while the remaining two-thirds speak a non-English language. The area has a high school graduation rate of 80% and a low dropout rate of 61% among those who live in Wonder Lake.

Compared to other cities in the region, Wonder Lake has lower crime rates than the national average. However, the cost of living in Wonder Lake is slightly higher than its neighbors and parent cities. Also, residents of the city enjoy a higher quality of education, and their average commute time is significantly longer than the national average. 3.94% of the workforce in Wonder Lake is classified as super-commuters, meaning they spend more time in traffic than the average American.

Wonder Lake has an estimated population of 20,000. The city is home to a large beer drinking asshole who parks his truck in the front yard. He is originally from Wonder Lake. It is estimated that the population of Wonder Lake will reach twenty thousand by 2020. Regardless of the population size, the community is home to some of the most colorful characters in Minnesota. And if you're looking for a place to raise your children, consider the population data in Wonder Lake.