Woodhull, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you interested in finding out the Population & Steets in Woodhul City, New York? There are plenty of resources available that can help you find out. These resources will provide you with the latest statistics for Woodhull. Whether you are interested in knowing the upcoming census figures or you're curious about the history of the town, you can find out here. Also, you can learn more about the local school districts.

The population of Woodhull, IL is 811 as of the 2010 Census. The city is located on Illinois Highway 17 between Galesburg and Peoria. The median home value is $94,000. The highest percentage of households have two cars. As far as health insurance coverage goes, 95.5% of Woodhull residents have private health insurance. The most common types of plans are employer-sponsored plans, ten percent Medicaid, eighteen percent Medicare, and one-quarter have no health insurance. The most common occupations for residents of Woodhull, IL are Sales & Related Occupations, Construction & Extraction Occupations, and Office & Administrative Support Occupations.

The Department of Behavioral Health at NYC Health + Hospitals/Woodhull offers comprehensive mental health services to the community. The facility's multidisciplinary team of mental health professionals offers outpatient and inpatient services. The hospital's medical staff works with patients to create personalized recovery plans that address their needs. In addition to medical care, the center also offers a variety of social services to the community.