Zeigler, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're looking for information on Population & Steets in Zeiler City, Illinois, you've come to the right place. The city of Zeigler, Illinois is located in Franklin County. According to the 2010 census, the population of Zeigler was 1,801 people, with a density of 450 persons per square mile. Its median household income was $44,342 and its median age was 41.8.

The city has a lower population density than most cities and neighborhoods, which means there are fewer young couples and college students, making Zeigler a very quiet place. The average per capita income was $23,732 in 2018, making it a relatively wealthy area. Despite the lower per capita income, there are both rich and poor people who live in Zeigler. Here are a few facts about Zeigler's population.

One of the things to look for in Zeigler is the crime rate. Compared to other cities in the region, the city's crime rate is higher than the national average. Although there are many safe areas in Zeigler, there are also plenty of places where crime can occur. You should be aware of the area you live in and avoid going near the city's parks. It's also a good idea to avoid lingering near high-traffic areas if you can.