Berne, Indiana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Demographics of Berne City, Indiana are a bit complicated, but there is some good news in this regard. There are only about 1,580 people living in Berne City. Of those, 64 commute by car while 6 people choose to walk or bike to work. The population of Berne City is also similar to that of the entire United States, but it is not as dense as other cities.

The median household income in Berne, IN is $45,185, which is lower than the median income of $65,712 in the United States. The median household income in Berne, IN has decreased from $46,042 in 2018 to $45,185 in 2019. This decrease is more than twice as fast as the national average, but it is still below the national average. The total number of people living in Berne, IN is about 1.87k. The most common jobs in Berne are in Manufacturing, Health Care & Social Assistance, and Retail Trade. These three industries account for most of the city's total employment, but they also contribute to the median household income, as well. The highest-paying industries in Berne are Health Care & Social Assistance, Retail Trade, and Finance & Insurance. These three industries each contribute to the city's overall GDP,

The population of Berne City is somewhat evenly distributed. Twenty-seven percent of residents are under the age of 18, while seven percent of people are over 65 years of age. One percent of the population is under 18, while thirty-one percent is over sixty-four. The median household size is two and a half people. The city's median household income is higher than the national average and is considerably higher than the national average.