Borden, Indiana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population and steets of Borden are given below. The population of Borden is 1.24k and 99.7% of its population are U.S. citizens. The median property value in Borden is $120,700. Its homeownership rate is 66.8% and the average household has 2 cars. About 1.53% of the population is born outside the United States. The average household has 2 cars and the median home value is $120,700.

The median age in Borden City was 29.9 years and there were nine hundred and seventy-six households. Of those households, forty-three percent of the households included children. The remaining fifty-seven percent were married couples. The remaining twenty-nine percent of households were made up of individuals. Twenty-seven percent of households were headed by an individual. And nine percent of all households had someone who was 65 years or older.