Brookville, Indiana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

When looking at the population of Brookville City, Indiana, you should consider its average livability rating. The overall score is calculated from a number of factors, including crime rate, education level, and cost of living. It also takes into consideration the general happiness level of its residents. In order to calculate the livability rating of a city, a variety of data points are combined and weighted.

People in Brookville City, Ohio, are of diverse racial and ethnic origin. They report being white, Black, or Asian, and also claim Slovak, Italian, or German ancestry. Many residents also speak Polish or Italian, which are important languages in the area. The census also asks residents to indicate their language proficiency, and the following are some of the languages spoken by residents of Brookville City.

There are approximately 3,592 people living in Brookville. The population has increased by 3.5% since 2020. The median age of residents is 37. There are also many people living in Brookville who have children. The population is divided by race and gender, with white people representing the largest proportion of non-Hispanics. The city is a national center for commerce, and its population has grown to include both white and black people.

According to the census, the population of Brookville is a mix of white and black people. Eighty percent of residents are married, with males accounting for over 80% of households, and women make up 4.9% of households. There are no families living below the poverty line. The median age of a household in Brookville City is 39 years old, and the average family size is around three. There are a few people in each household, but the majority of the residents are white.