Depauw, Indiana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Whether you're starting a new business or simply looking for a new location to launch your latest venture, it can be helpful to understand the population and steets of the city you're considering. Depauw City, IN, is a predominantly white community with a population of around 96% white people, 0.4% black people, and 0.2 percent Hispanics. This city also has a median household income of $48,323 and an average income of $65,170. In terms of education, residents have an average high school graduation rate of 77%, while only 56% dropped out of college.

The zip code for Depauw City is 47115. It primarily falls within the Harrison County area, though parts of the ZIP code are located in Washington County. The city has an area code of 812 and is classified as Lower Middle Class. A recent census showed that Depauw is home to around 2,656 residents. While the city's population is declining, the area is still growing and there are many opportunities to live and work in the area.

If DePauw does close the street, it would make no sense for the city to do so. The school is trying to attract more students and thus would not be in the city's best interest to close down the street. A one-block section of a non-throughfare that is in the city's best interest would be a positive move for the area. In addition, the community will be able to use the street for bus service.