Fort Branch, Indiana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking for the population and steets of Fort Branch City, Indiana, you've come to the right place. We have the population and steets statistics for the city, including the number of residents who are white. Fort Branch has a population of 2.73k white residents, 170 two+ people, and 110 white (hispanic) residents. Fort Branch is diverse, with 3.62% of residents belonging to an ethnic group other than White.

The population of Fort Branch, Indiana is composed of 93.4% White residents, 5.6% Two or more races, and 0.4% Black or American Indian. Among those residents, 5.6% of the population works for the government. The median household income is $54,583, and 69.4% of households are owner-occupied, with the remaining thirty-six percent being renters. The average household income is $54,583, which is less than the national average.

According to the 2010 census, the population of Fort Branch was 38 years old, and 24.4% of the population was under the age of 18. Another 8.3% of the population was between the ages of 18 and 24. A further 26.2% were aged 25-44. Twenty-four percent of the population lived in a household with at least one child, while 14.4% were over the age of 65. The median age was 37 years old.