Frankton, Indiana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The median annual income in Frankton City, IN is $49,352, less than the median income in the United States. While the number of people employed in Frankton City is below the national average, the average income is still significantly higher than the income of the surrounding region. The highest paying industries in Frankton City are Information, Professional, Scientific & Technical Services, and Transportation & Warehousing.

In 2019, the population of Frankton City, IN was 2.09k, a growth of 5.45% from the previous year. Median household income in Frankton, IN was $51,107, an increase of 3.56% from the previous year. A majority of residents lived in single-family homes, and commuted to work by car. Moreover, car ownership was a common phenomenon in Frankton City, IN, with two cars per household.

The most common racial and ethnic groups in Frankton City were White, Black, and Two Or More. The number of individuals working in these three industries was highest among the native-born residents (38.7%), followed by Health Care & Social Assistance (140 people), and Manufacturing (31.1 percent). As the percentage of workers in each industry increases, so do their corresponding numbers in Frankton City.