Freetown, Indiana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

This article will provide you with an overview of the population and steets in Freetown City. In addition, you'll learn how the ACRC can help support current efforts to achieve meaningful change in the city. In addition, you'll learn how the ACRC is supporting local and international organizations to advance the common good. In addition, you'll learn about the key challenges facing the people of Freetown.

The first major crisis in Sierra Leone occurred in May 1997, when the Armed Forces Revolutionary Council (AFRC) overthrew Kabbah's government. The AFRC invited the RUF to join the government. However, Nigerian forces ousted the AFRC junta in March 1998 and reinstated the democratically elected Kabbah government. In January 1999, RUF rebels launched an attempt on the government. APC and ECO-MOG forces repelled the attack.

Freetown is home to several ethnic groups. The Krio people, descendants of freed Africans and West Indian slaves, are the largest group. In fact, the Krio make up nearly 30 percent of the population. The remaining 30 percent is made up of people from other African ethnic groups. The Temne and Mende ethnic groups make up a significant percentage of the population. These groups also make up significant portions of the city's overall population.

Sierra Leone's climate is tropical savanna. Its rainy season lasts from May to October, while the balance of the year is dry. In the middle of rainy season, strong thunder storms are common, while the Harmattan, a gentle wind from the Sahara Desert, relieves the humid air. Temperatures are typically around 73-88 degrees Fahrenheit throughout the year.