Gaston, Indiana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you've ever wondered what the population of Gaston City is, you'll be interested in this article. It will give you a brief history of this North Carolina city, as well as its population density per square mile. Listed below are several resources that can help you learn more about Gaston City's population. You can also find the eviction statistics of Gaston City. If you've ever wondered if Gaston is an affordable city, you'll want to look into the statistics for that area.

A quick overview of the area's demographics will give you an idea of what makes Gastonia such a great place to live. The population of Gastonia is 12% older than the state average and just over 22% older than the county's average. The percentage of people in Gastonia that are school-age is increasing, as is the overall percent of children. The city also has a large number of colleges and nursing facilities.

The Town of Gaston has a land use map that shows all parcels located within the city limits. This map is divided into seven categories. One category is industrial and retail space. Another is vacant land. The Town of Gaston has a large amount of vacant land and a number of vacant lots. These areas are concentrated around an intersection. The city is home to several smaller towns, including the town of McAdenville, which has a world-renowned Christmas light display. It is a charming mill town situated along the South Fork of the Gaston River.