Gentryville, Indiana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are interested in learning more about the population and steets of Gentryville City, Indiana, read on! Here, you'll discover information about Gentryville's demographics, including the average age, gender, and racial and ethnic makeup of the residents. You can use the information to research potential business locations, relocate to Gentryville, or find a job. This information is also useful if you're traveling through the area.

If you're interested in Gentryville's crime rate, you can view a map that displays the number of violent crimes per 100 residents. While Gentryville has a low crime rate, this information is misleading because most crimes occur in areas with few residents, such as vacant lots or shopping centers. Those who live in Gentryville should be aware of the fact that red areas don't necessarily indicate a dangerous neighborhood for residents.

The town of Gentryville is located in Spencer County, Indiana. The zip code 47537 is assigned to Gentryville, Indiana. Gentryville is outside of a major metropolitan area and is in the Central Time Zone. The average speed of internet in Gentryville is seven megabits per second (Mbps).

The population of Gentryville City, IN is 344 people, with a median household income of $45,972. As a whole, the town is American. The poverty rate is 0.2%. The median age of residents is 37 years old. The median racial and ethnic group is white. Males outnumber females, 91.6% to 1. The median racial/ethnicity population in Gentryville City, Indiana is four and a half.