Greencastle, Indiana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following information is a brief overview of the Population & Steets in Greencaster City, Indiana. While statistics may not be completely accurate, they do provide an idea of the living conditions of the people who live in Greencastle. This data is based on the Census Bureau's definition of poverty, which is a threshold based on money income that is below a particular amount. This value differs by race, ethnicity, and family size.

As of 2017, 95.1% of Greencastle's residents are citizens of the United States. This figure represents a small drop from the 96.7% reported in 2018 but remains significantly higher than the percentages for nearby geographies. The city is home to a large Vietnamese-American community. Among other things, Greencastle has a large number of Vietnam veterans. If you're interested in learning more about the city's past, the Carnegie Library may be of interest.

The median household income in Greencastle City is $30,750. The poverty rate is 1.5%, which is lower than that in many Midwestern cities. Whether you're searching for a new home or want to move to an existing one, there are many places to call home. The Census Bureau's estimates can help you decide which neighborhood to move into. Listed below are some of the things to consider when moving to Greencastle.

The population of Greencastle City is diversified and ages include males and females. Forty-seven percent of households in the city are under the age of 18, while 22.3% are between 25 and 44 years of age. The remaining three percent are 45-64 years of age and over. Approximately 67.5% of households have only one car. Lastly, 14.7% of Greencastle City's residents live alone.