Henryville, Indiana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Henryville, Indiana is mostly white, with 0.1% of residents being black or Hispanic. There are also 4.55 homeowners for every 1 renter. The high school graduation rate is 77%. In terms of racial diversity, the town has a good mix of races. The most common racial group living in poverty is White. In terms of economic conditions, Henryville is a middle-class town.

The population of Henryville is composed of married individuals. About 63% of the city's residents are married, while 25% are single. A further 4% of Henryville's citizens are divorced or widowed. The city also has a large number of Vietnam veterans. The overall rate of home ownership in Henryville, IN is higher than the national average of 64.1%. Although there are few homes for sale in the city, the weather is pleasant.

A comparison of Henryville, IN to other cities around the state shows that the city has a low crime rate. This is despite its low population density. Henryville has relatively few retail outlets. Most crimes occur in areas close to the retail sector. However, red areas don't necessarily mean that residents are in danger. However, those areas near major airports and parks have higher rates. In any case, crime will occur where people gather.

A map of Henryville is available online. You can zoom in or out to view the area in more detail. You can also explore Henryville's neighborhoods by using the interactive map below. You can view the ZIP code list, ZIP+4 codes, and interactive map of the city. The ZIP code and postal code listed below the street name indicate the location of the city. It is important to remember that the ZIP code and postal code are both used to describe a city.