Huntertown, Indiana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're planning a road trip or exploring the local area, consider checking out nearby towns as well. By entering the radius of Huntertown, IN from Google, you can get the population and steets of nearby cities. By searching for nearby towns, you can find out how safe or unsafe each is compared to Huntertown, IN. You can also use the calculator below to find out how safe each city is compared to others of its size.

The median age of all residents of Huntertown is 32.9 years. This includes both native-born residents and those who are foreign-born. The ratio of foreign-born residents is a bit lower, at 44.1% compared to Indiana's average of 48.7%. Lastly, residents of Huntertown are highly educated. The average income per capita in the city is $44,868.

Residents of Huntertown City enjoy low property taxes and quality public schools. According to Brandon Seifert, a Huntertown Town Council member, the city is experiencing steady growth. But the number of evictions is higher than the national average. Regardless of the reason for the increase in evictions, this is still not a good thing for the local economy. Moreover, Huntertown's population is not as dense as other cities in Indiana.

You can find the exact location of any home or business by looking up the zip code. A city's ZIP code can be anywhere from five to nine digits. Huntertown, IN has a population of approximately 28,000 people. There are many schools in the area, and the population of Huntertown is expected to grow by a third every decade. If you're looking for a home in Huntertown, Indiana, be sure to visit the School page to find out more information about local schools.