Kendallville, Indiana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Population & Steets in Kendallvile city, Indiana is just one of many pages that are available for residents to view. The following lists are just a few of the information that you can find for the city. Each page lists the name of the school, address, state, and ZIP code. You can also find the schools by school name. If you want to find more information about the schools, visit the Kendallville city website.

The median property value in Kendallville City was $99,600 in 2019, which is about 0.414 times less than the national average. Between 2018 and 2019, the median property value increased by 2.57%. The homeownership rate in Kendallville is 60%, which is slightly lower than the national average. Approximately sixty-six percent of people in Kendallville City are single, with the majority of commute times of 19.1 minutes. The average car ownership in Kendallville City is two cars per household.

The median age for residents of Kendallville, IN is forty-four years. This means that more residents are over forty than they were ten years ago. Of the people in the city, about 12.4% of them were born in Mexico, while 16.9% were born in India. About forty-two percent of the population is white-collar. Among the foreign-born, the largest percentage of people in Kendallville City are Chinese (22,944).