Lake Cicott, Indiana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are planning a vacation, you will find the list of cities nearby very useful. These cities are within 56 miles of Lake Cicott City, which makes them convenient for traveling by plane. However, you might also want to consider smaller towns in the vicinity if you have limited time. You will be able to get a general idea about the community. Below are the major cities nearby. You can also view the list of cities 4 hours away from Lake Cicott, Indiana.

The violent crime map for Lake Cicott resembles the crime maps of other cities in Illinois, which are similar in size and population. However, the violent crime rate per 1,000 Lake Cicott residents may seem high, because of many crimes taking place in retail areas with very few residents. Nevertheless, the red areas do not necessarily indicate danger for Lake Cicott residents. For more information about crime rates, check the table below.

Another useful way to determine the diversity of a city is to check its map. Green areas are more diverse than red ones. Similarly, red areas are less diverse. Diversity means that you will find people of different races living near each other. If the city had only white areas, then it would be classified as a lack of diversity. In addition, you will find more ethnic diversity in Lake Cicott than in other parts of the state.