New Palestine, Indiana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you want to know the Population & Steets of New Palestine City, IN, you'll need to know its demographics. The population of New Palestine is 2,169 people, and its median household income is $65,947. However, the area's poverty rate is high - 16.6%, compared to a national average of 9.8%. Here are the most notable statistics about the city.

Families are the largest part of the New Palestine population. There are 68% of households headed by a couple and only 17% are headed by a single male. The other 3% live alone. The city is only three-fourths the size of Indianapolis. The average New Palestine household is based on a 1.3-year survey. The census also includes household size, a number of children, and income.

The employment rate in New Palestine, IN is 5.43% higher than the national average. The median property value is $202,900. There are approximately 1.16k people working in the city. The largest employment sectors are Health Care & Social Assistance, Manufacturing, and Finance & Insurance. New Palestine's median car ownership rate is the same as the national average. On average, two cars per household. This information can be helpful when searching for a home in New Palestine.

Originally known as Sugar Creek, New Palestine was platted in 1838. A post office was established in 1861, and railroad and express service began in the city in 1869. After incorporation, the city had trouble with its name. Some of its early businesses used the name Sugar Creek and Palestine, and its post office and railroad stations were known as Palestine. Eventually, the city adopted its current name and incorporated in 1891.