Saint Joe, Indiana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Population & Steets in Saint Joseph City are just one of the many details about this midsized city. The population of Saint Joe City is composed of approximately 76,901 people and is predominantly White, but with a minority of Black and Asian residents. The commute time to work is very reasonable, with the average one way commute time being 16 minutes, which is faster than the national average of 26 minutes.

St. Joseph has a thriving local economy. The city supports a large food processing industry, including biofuels, grains, and meat. Its large food processing industry also supports a number of jobs, including those in the food-processing equipment industry and the packaging and distribution of these products. As the city grows, so does its economy, providing jobs and tax revenue to the local community.

The median household income is $41,522, which is higher than the median household income of the area. The majority of people in Saint Joe City commute by vehicle, with a slightly higher percentage traveling more than 45 minutes to work. The Census also shows there are one or more nursing homes in the area. The population of Saint Joe City is comprised of many neighborhoods. Whether you're planning on moving to Saint Joe City, you'll want to know about all of the amenities and services available in this small community.

The St. Joseph County Road Commission is responsible for maintaining the city's roads, overseeing the collection of debris and garbage. The agency also maintains the county's 97 bridges and 828 miles of paved streets. The department also maintains sidewalks and curbs and a pelican sweeper that cleans debris from the streets from spring to fall. The city's population is a diverse mix of ethnic groups, with many residents of different racial and sex backgrounds.