Waynetown, Indiana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

You may be wondering what the population and steets of Waynetown City are. Here is a quick look at these statistics. Waynetown, IN is a growing city with a large population and a growing middle class. You can also find out about the number of foreign born people and the median age of their citizens. The percentage of foreign-born residents in Waynetown is higher than you might expect.

The population of Waynetown City, IN is composed of a mixture of races. It is comprised of approximately 1.07k people. The majority of residents are White, with just over 2% being black or Asian. Two percent of the population is Hispanic. 2.47% of residents are hispanic. The median age was 35 years. The racial makeup of the city is diverse, with just over one-fifth of the population being black.

The median household income in Waynetown, IN was $85,900 in 2017. Eighty-four percent of the population is U.S. citizens, and the median property value was $85,900. Most people commuted by car, with only 5.4% using a motorcycle. The US Census Bureau does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of this data. Nonetheless, it is a great place to start looking for demographic information.

The United States Census Bureau's American Community Survey provides demographic information for Waynetown. Currently, there are 1,134 people in Waynetown, IN. They are fifty-eight percent male and fifty-one percent female. The population density of Waynetown is the second-highest in the greater Waynetown area, behind only Hillsboro. This number is not surprising considering the population of Waynetown, IN.