Ainsworth, Iowa Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Ainsworth is around 1.69k people and the median home value is $80,000. Its median household income is $41,205, which is higher than the national average. Approximately 72% of Ainsworth residents are homeowners. In terms of the average commute time, the average person takes 7.01 minutes. Compared to the national average, Ainsworth, NE is more affordable than most other cities in the US.

In terms of income, the average annual income for Ainsworth residents is $41,064 compared to $65,712 for the entire United States. The income gap in Ainsworth, NE is 0.343% lower than the national average. The number of people living below the poverty line is also higher than the average for neighboring and parent geographies. In terms of industries, health care & social assistance, accommodation & food services, and agriculture, forestry, fishing & hunting are the top three industries in Ainsworth.

Ainsworth has a median age of 47.5. Both native and foreign-born residents are growing older. In 2018, the average age of all residents of Ainsworth, NE was 47. In terms of foreign-born residents, the most common birthplace was Mexico, followed by Guatemala and India. Despite this low number, Ainsworth does have a large number of military veterans.