Blockton, Iowa Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are interested in learning more about the population and steets of Blockton City, Massachusetts, then you've come to the right place. Read on to discover the facts! Let's start with the population, which was 33,675 in 2000. This means that over 35% of its residents were under the age of 18. Another significant statistic is that forty-two percent of households in Blockton were headed by married couples. Twenty-one percent were headed by single persons. The average family size was three, with a male in every 100 females.

The city has a total area of 21.6 square miles (56 square kilometers). Of this, two-thirds is land and one-fourth is water. It is the 162nd largest city in land area in Massachusetts. It is the twelfth-largest of twenty-seven towns in Plymouth County. The city's borders include Stoughton and Avon. East Bridgewater is located to the northeast.

The Brockton Public Library is located at 304 Main Street. There is also a Brockton branch of Sovereign Bank, National Association, which is headquartered in Wilmington. Its headquarters is in Wilmington, Delaware, and has 718 branches in total. Its holdings include Banco Santander, S.A. The Brockton Public Library operates three buildings: a Carnegie building and two branch libraries.