Boyden, Iowa Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Population & Steets in the city of Boyden, Iowa is diverse and the community is proud of its cultural diversity. Its residents include 99.8% white people, 0.4% black and Asian people, and 4.2% of the population is Hispanic or Latino. There are three major racial and ethnic groups in the city, with 26% of residents identifying as European, 31% as American, and 43% as Asian or other.

The town of Boyden is located in Sioux County, Iowa, and has a population of 679. Its official name is "Boyden," but residents use the name "Boyden" for the community. The city's population is expected to grow to 7,07 by the year 2020, so the current population is approximately 700 people. The city was incorporated 133 years ago and is home to several colleges and schools.

The population of Boyden is also diverse, with the median age of 36. There are 91,382 households with children under 18. Twenty-six percent of households had a married couple, while 29.3% had a female householder without her husband present. One-third of all households were non-families, with the remaining two-thirds comprised of individuals. The city has an 8.8% senior citizen population.

The median income in Boyden, IA is $67,361, which is higher than the $65,712 average in the United States. The median household size is also 2.67. Compared to other parts of town, it is slightly lower than the national average. However, the income distribution in the city is much more equal in terms of gender and age. In addition, males in Boyden, IA make nearly eighty percent more money than females, making them more attractive to female residents.