Cedar Falls, Iowa Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are wondering where to live in Cedar Falls, Iowa, you have come to the right place. This charming city is home to an assortment of things to do and amenities. The average school test score is 86%, so you know you'll be getting a good education in Cedar Falls. Listed below are a few other facts about this city. Population & Steets in Cedar Falls City

The population of Cedar Falls, Iowa is approximately 150,000. The area's ZIP code is 50613. There are two ZIP codes for Cedar Falls: D (Default), which means it is the city's preferred name. Residents can also use Cedar Falls as the city's zip code. In addition, this area has a large number of nursing homes, which are convenient for residents in need of a place to live.

Cedar Falls is a moderate-sized city in northern Iowa. The population is 93% White, which may make it a less diverse city than other nearby areas. Its average age is 27. There are many families in Cedar Falls, with 83% being married and 61% of residents having children under 18.

The city is a great place to live. The cost of living is low, the weather is nice, and the city has plenty of things to offer. If you're looking to move to Cedar Falls, check out the following important boxes: