Colesburg, Iowa Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're curious about the Population & Steets of Colesburg City, you have come to the right place. Read on to discover the latest facts about the city. The population of Colesburg is 378 people and they're a mixture of both males and females. While there are a few people over 65, the majority of these people are of voting age. The median age for residents of Colesburg is 60.1 years.

The population of Colesburg is almost equal to the size of the state of Iowa. About 81% of the city's residents are family-oriented, which means there are fewer eviction cases than in other cities in the area. If you're wondering whether you should move to Colesburg, you might want to consider doing a little bit of research before making a decision. While it's not the largest city in the world, Colesburg has some unique things to offer.

If you're looking to move to Colesburg, PA, you'll find that there are many options in the area. The nearest airport is in Philadelphia, and the city has an average commute time of 28.2 minutes. If you're looking for more options, try searching for cities closer to Colesburg. Listed below are a few ideas for places to go nearby. You can also search for Colesburg, PA, by searching for nearby cities and zip codes.

As of 2018, the population of Colesburg, IA is 0.2% Hispanic and has a median household income of $56,004. The area has a high school graduation rate of 81%, while the college dropout rate is nearly 50%. 44% of college graduates earn a master's degree, and 9% have a professional degree. These numbers are pretty good. In fact, Colesburg has a lower poverty rate than most other cities in Iowa.