Coon Rapids, Iowa Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you want to know the population of Coon Rapids, MN, you've come to the right place. Here you'll find a quick list of all the residents, including their ages, gender, race, and more. You can also get to know about the various schools and other important information about the city. And if you're interested in real estate, you'll be glad to know that Coon Rapids is an affordable place to purchase a house.

A quick glance at Coon Rapids Minnesota's population and steets will show that it's slightly larger than the state of Minnesota. But, the percentage of foreign-born residents is still low. Only 10.8% of its population is foreign-born. In fact, the city is almost as large as Brooklyn Park. This makes Coon Rapids a great place for families.

In the past, Coon Rapids was an unincorporated village, and was later a separate government entity. However, it maintains its boundaries with Anoka Township, which was incorporated as a separate city. Nonetheless, the population of Coon Rapids is expected to grow to 62,935 by 2020. The city's growth has led to the creation of a walking tour of the downtown commercial district. In June 2007, the city was designated a Preserve America Community.

The percentage of single people in Coon Rapids is higher than the state's average. This is in stark contrast to the state of Minnesota, where the percentage of single women is almost two-thirds higher than in Coon Rapids. And, the city is home to several small, medium-sized businesses. But, Coon Rapids has more than its share of big corporations, which could make Coon Rapids an attractive place for small businesses.