Cresco, Iowa Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Want to know the Population & Steets in CreSCO City? Here's the data you need to find out! Cresco has 3,744 residents and the average commute time is 13.0 minutes. The median home price in Cresco is $123,200 and homes have appreciated 3.9% over the past decade. In Cresco, people are proud to be American, and the city's diversity is reflected in its rich history.

Cresco is a town in Howard County, Iowa. In the 2010 census, the population was 3,868. Its population peaked at 3,905 in 2000. It is also the county seat for Howard County, Iowa. In terms of its population, Cresco has a strong industrial base and is home to many national companies. Bethany Housewares is one of the longest-established companies in the county. The Donaldson Company, Inc., has a star ship factory in Cresco.

The crime rate in Cresco is higher than the national average. The number of crimes in Cresco is higher in the north than in the south. Some neighborhoods are safe, but others are not. Crime rates may look high in these areas because fewer residents live in these areas. Crime is where people congregate, so crime in these areas tends to be higher. A crime map is not a guarantee of safety in Cresco, but it can help you make informed decisions.

The median household income in Cresco, IA is $50,000. The median age of residents was 39.9 years old. There were 25 black or African American residents in Cresco. The city had a 0.663% Hispanic population. There are three major racial and ethnic groups living below the poverty line. The median household income was $44,808 and the median income was $50,000. With a median household income of $50,000, it is not surprising that Cresco is a relatively poor community.