Eagle Grove, Iowa Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following information is a quick overview of the Population & Steets of Eagle Grove City, Iowa. It should be helpful if you're planning a road trip to Eagle Grove or just want to learn more about the area. This information will help you find out how much money people make in Eagle Grove. You can also find out what's nearby by searching for other towns near Eagle Grove.

The population of Eagle Grove City is 3,601 as of the 2020 Census. It is the largest city in Wright County and is located near the Boone River. In terms of school districts, Eagle Grove has three elementary schools and three high schools. Eagle Grove is home to the Eagle Grove Community School District. However, if you are looking for a school district, you can find it by using the city's school district map.

The median home value in Eagle Grove City was $82,900 in 2019. This is less than the national average, and represents a 0.345 decrease over the past year. Nearly 80% of residents live in a single-family home. The average commute time to work was 15.5 minutes. There were no commute times recorded for people who do not have a car, which means they drive alone to work. The average number of cars per household is 2 with one of the households being false.

The percentage of people living below the poverty line in Eagle Grove, Iowa is 9.2% white, 19.2% Black, and 2.5% Native American. There are also various thresholds set by the Census Bureau to determine the number of impoverished households in the city. Those who fall below the threshold live in poverty, but the percentage of children living below the threshold is only 6.2%. The most common jobs in Eagle Grove are Office & Administrative Support and Production Occupations.