Garwin, Iowa Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The median property value in Garwin, IA is $72,200, 0.3 times lower than the national average. This area has a high homeownership rate, at 85.4%, and a lower than average unemployment rate. In Garwin, IA, there are 7 different races represented, with the largest percentage being White (Non-Hispanic). The most common foreign birthplace of residents is Mexico, with 10,599 Iowa residents hailing from that country.

The majority of residents in Garwin, IA are US citizens. This percentage was 100 percent in 2018 and has been stable. This percentage is above the national average and much higher than neighboring and parent geographies. In addition, Garwin has a large percentage of military personnel who served in the Vietnam War. Regardless of your political leanings, you'll find the right housing in Garwin.

The most common racial or ethnic group living below the poverty line in Garwin, IA is White. In contrast, Black residents are more likely to be living in poverty than Whites. This is due to the fact that the poverty threshold in Garwin, IA differs from state-to-state. In addition, Garwin has a lower unemployment rate than most areas of the Midwest.

The population of frontier cities has grown in recent years, with an influx of major projects and a more focused approach to development and infrastructure. These developments have helped cope with an increasing population. The town's population growth is so strong that most major projects sold out in a weekend or week. Fortunately, the local economy has not been adversely affected by the oversupply of housing. There's still hope for an owner occupier to get a decent deal on an affordable home in Garwin City.