Halbur, Iowa Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Population & Steets in Halbour City is slightly better than average. The population of Halbur is made up of mostly white, middle-class residents, and the average person earns about $42,890 per year. Halbur is slightly less populated than the rest of Iowa, with a population density of 41.3 persons per square mile. Located in Iowa's midwestern region, Halbur has an overall average quality of life.

The Demographics of Halbur City are based on US Census Bureau and American Community Survey data for 2016. The population density in Halbur is 281 residents per square mile, and the median household income is $61,964 ($3.750/person). The median age of the city's citizens is 29 years old. There are no other important statistics available for Halbur, IA. However, the area around Halbur is populated by people from a variety of different backgrounds.

The Demographics of Halbur show that it has a median age of 31.9 years. This is the second-lowest median age among all cities in the region. In comparison, Templeton has the highest median age, at 54.8 years. The population is more likely to be middle-class, with a percentage of households in the middle-income bracket of 20 to 29 years old equal to the city's median age.

The Demographics of Halbur Show a trend of increasing family sizes. The town's population is predominantly composed of married couples, with an average household size of 3.4 people. However, the percentage of single people is higher in Arcadia. This trend is evident throughout the metro area, and Halbur has a relatively low proportion of singles and single-parent households. The area is considered middle-class compared to other cities, but it is still relatively large in comparison to other places.