Hornick, Iowa Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Before you start your research, it is useful to know the Population & Steets in Hornnick City. This city has a very low poverty rate, at 2.8%, and there is little evidence that people live below the federal poverty line in Hornick. The poverty rate in Hornick is lower than those of neighboring cities, where the poverty rate is at 2.3%. The median gross rent in Hornick is $638 a month.

According to the latest census, Hornick has a population of 273 people, making it one of the more affordable cities in Iowa. The median household income is $41,944. The poverty rate is below 5%, which makes Hornick an affordable place to live for most families. The median age is 32.5, and there are about 255 people living in Hornick. While there is a small population growth in Hornick, the overall rate of poverty in this city is a bit higher than average.

In Hornick City, the population was comprised of a diverse group of people. Only a handful of residents were foreign born. The majority of the population was white, with blacks making up 11.5% of the total population. Despite this diversity, the county's average house value was lower than the state's. Asians, meanwhile, made up a majority of the rest of the population, and will make up a large percentage of the population in Hornick City.