Kelley, Iowa Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

For those who are wondering what Kelley looks like, here are a few statistics to consider. According to the United States Census Bureau, the city has a population of 66,098 people. The median age is 32 years. There are more males than females, with a 95.7% male-to-female ratio. You can find more information about the demographics of Kelley City at the city's official website.

The census reports that the population of Kelley is about 369 people, which is considerably less than the cities in the surrounding area. Regardless of the reason, the population density is lower than the national and state averages. In comparison, the largest city in the area is Ames, which has a population of 66,361 people. And if we consider the number of single women in Kelley, it's a little more than half of that of Ames.

In Kelley, the median household income was $54,375. Males had a median income of $31,964 while females had a median income of $22,000. Per capita income was $17,574; no Kelley families were below the poverty line. That means that less than 1% of the city's people were below the poverty line. That's better than a number of cities in the United States that have higher income levels than Kelley.