Mason City, Iowa Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're looking for some demographics about Mason City, Iowa, you've come to the right place. Here you will find the population & steets for Mason City. You can also find out how much income residents make and how much money they spend on rent. The demographic data provided here is based on the latest US Census Bureau census, but there's no guarantee that it's completely accurate.

The population of Mason City is approximately 27,546 people, which is about the same as the population of nearby towns. This mid-sized city was founded in 1853 by John Long, who named the town Masonville after his son, Mason. The city was incorporated in 1870 to distinguish it from another Masonville in the state. Mason City benefited greatly from the development of railroads, and later developed a thriving industry, attracting many European immigrants.

The median household income in Mason City, IA, is $42,458. This is a low-to-mid income relative to the rest of the country. This is the reason that Mason City has a mix of rich and poor residents. The town is ethnically diverse, with the majority of residents reporting either White or Black or African-American as their primary race. Many residents of Mason City also report Norwegian and English ancestry.

There are many places to spend your free time in Mason City. The city has several parks, including a disc golf course, football fields, baseball fields, tennis courts, and a swimming pool. The city also has a fitness center, two swimming pools, and a weight room. There's something for everyone in Mason City. The population is diverse and has a variety of employment opportunities. The city is also well-known for its arts scene.