New Providnce, Iowa Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

New Providence is located on the southeast coast of New York State and is situated on the mouth of the Hudson River. The most pleasant months to visit are June, September and August. The most uncomfortably cold months are January and February. The state of New York is the fourth-largest metropolitan area in the world, making it one of the most desirable places to live in the United States. New Providence is home to approximately 13,994 people, with an estimated growth of 5.8% from the year 2020 to 2035.

The city is 3.6 square miles in size, and borders the neighboring towns of Chatham Township, Berkeley Heights, and Summit. The town was named after a 1764 balcony collapse at a Presbyterian Church, which luckily resulted in no injuries. In the early twentieth century, rose cultivation became a major industry in the area. The majority of homes in New Providence were built between the 1950s and 1960s, and can range from ranches to Colonials.

The median age for all residents of New Providence, NJ was 40 in 2019. This includes both native and foreign-born citizens. While native-born citizens are primarily white, minority populations make up a large portion of the population. The average household size was 2.9 members. However, quality of life is subjective and some people prefer a more suburban or walkable environment. Others prefer the peace and quiet of an open space, or nature.