Odebolt, Iowa Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're moving to Odebolt City, Iowa, you may be wondering what the population and steets are like. These statistics can help you decide whether or not Odebolt is right for you. The median household income in Odebolt is $47,727, which is lower than the state average. The median age in Odebolt is 49.9, while Lake View's is 60.9, or 22.0% higher.

The population of Odebolt is made up of many different races and ethnicities. The majority of citizens are white, while 11.6% are Black or African American. However, about 0.8% of the population is Hispanic, or people of Hispanic descent. This makes Odebolt a mid-range city in the area. The highest percentage of foreign-born residents, by comparison, is found in Kiron, with an 8.7% foreign-born population.

While the state's average poverty rate is 8.7%, the rate of poverty in Odebolt is lower than the national average. The county has a poverty rate of 2.9%, compared to 11.7% in Iowa. Despite this, only 15.5% of people in Odebolt live in rental units, a number that's far below the state average. The median gross rent in Odebolt is $475 per month, so it's possible to make ends meet without spending much money.

While the U.S. Census Bureau does not report crime data for Odebolt City, it is based on demographics and local enforcement agencies. The population map of Odebolt provides a comprehensive overview of all crimes in the city, and the heat map shows the high and low crime areas. The map also offers insight into the total number of crimes in a block group. It's also a useful tool for assessing crime rates in Odebolt City.