Prairieburg, Iowa Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you curious about the Population & Steets in Prairieburger City? The city is located in Linn County in Iowa, United States. The postal code for Prairieburg is 54112. Its population is estimated to be around 4,5,699 by the year 2020. You can use this ZIP code to copy the address of your mail. To get started, copy the following address format:

Among the 69 households, 69 were headed by married couples and ten percent were headed by single women. Other types of households include those headed by a single man, 18.8% by non-families, and 8.7% by senior citizens living alone. The median age of residents was 39 years. The population of Prairieburg is diverse, with the majority identifying as white or black. In addition to being white or black, Prairieburg is also home to a small minority of non-white residents.

The 157 residents of Prairieburg are classified as working in various categories. Most of these people are employed in the service industry, which includes both white-collar and blue-collar roles. The median household income is $41,250. The median household income is $48,542. The male to female ratio is 0.92 to 1. The population is composed of 97.2% white people and 0.0% Asian, black, and Hispanic individuals. The average high school graduation rate in Prairieburg is 77%.