Rock Rapids, Iowa Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The demographics of Rock Rapids, Iowa show a fairly even mix of races. The majority of the population, 98.4%, is White. About one in four people in the city are Hispanic or Asian. In terms of income, males earn $58,387 versus females' $46,610. The income inequality in Rock Rapids, Iowa is just 0.442, lower than the national average. The largest industry in Rock Rapids, Iowa, is Manufacturing, which employs 193 people. Additionally, 2.3% of households are in the hospitality industry. The highest paying industries in Rock Rapids, IA are Accommodation & Food Services, Wholesale Trade, and Transportation & Warehousing, which each employs about 830 people.

The median property value in Rock Rapids, IA is $140,900, and is 0.586 times smaller than the national average. Residents in Rock Rapids, IA own their homes, with 85.3% of families living below the median income level. The majority of these individuals are employed in Manufacturing, Educational Services, and Accommodation & Food Services, though some work in non-manufacturing jobs.

The median age for all residents of Rock Rapids, IA is 39.4 years old, which is lower than the average for cities in Iowa. Those who were born outside the United States are primarily Asian. The highest percentage of foreign-born residents is from Mexico, followed by India and China. While native-born residents of Rock Rapids, IA are mostly white, there are about eight percent of residents who are Hispanic.