Sherrill, Iowa Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Population & Steets in Shelrill City are listed below. They are the same as in the surrounding towns and cities. Sherrill has a C1 Census Class Code, which means it does not serve as a county subdivision. The city has a Functional Status Code of "A," which indicates that it is a governing body that performs primary general-purpose functions. Another alternative name for the city is Turkey Street, which is a neighborhood of Sherrill.

The population of Sherrill is 84 people. There are approximately 87 White (Hispanic) residents. The rest of the population is non-Hispanic. The poverty rate is 4.6%, which is slightly lower than the state average. Compared to other towns and cities, Sherrill has a lower population density than its neighbors. If you are looking to live in Sherrill City, you should consider buying a home in this city.

The percentage of households using different modes of transportation in Sherrill is shown below. A large portion of Sherrill, NY residents use their car for work and transportation. This chart uses a logarithmic scale to illustrate variation in smaller means of transportation. For example, households in Sherrill, NY own a car - the largest share is two cars, although this number is false.

Population & Steets in Shelrill City