Smithland, Iowa Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you interested in knowing more about the population and steets of Smithland City? You are not alone. The demographics of Smithland are incredibly important to know. You should start with the age group of the average person, as well as the median age. In fact, if you want to know more about this area, it is crucial to check out the Smithland city profile.

The United States Census Bureau's most recent data on the area's population and sex makeup shows that Smithland's population is primarily white. However, there are a few regions with significant percentages of foreign-born residents. Smithland, KY is home to the most residents from the Americas and the Pacific Islands, and has the highest percentage of foreign-born residents in Kentucky.

Census data on households in Smithland shows that the city has about the same number of married couples and single people. The percentage of married couples is the highest, at 100 percent. However, there is a significant difference in the percentage of households headed by a female. Smithland, Kentucky has the second lowest percentage of households headed by a female. For this reason, you should always compare a Smithland city's statistics with the data of nearby cities.

The most common racial groups in Smithland, KY are White, Hispanic, and Black. The income thresholds are based on family size and composition. If a family's income falls below these levels, it is considered poor. Similarly, the most common occupations in Smithland, KY are Production Occupations, Sales & Related Occupations, and Education Instruction, Library Occupations.