Claflin, Kansas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

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The population of Claflin City is fairly diverse. About 61.1% of people identify as white, 12.3% as African American, 5.4% as Asian or Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, 17.8% as Hispanic or Latino, and 2.6% are unclassified. In terms of ancestry, German, Irish, English, and Russian are the most common ancestry groups. However, Czechoslovakian ancestry is the highest in Claflin.

The town was founded in 1887 by the Claflin Town Company, headed by Stelle Giles. The townsite was first filed with the Barton County Register of Deeds on March 31, 1887. The town has a population of about 600. The railroad came to the town site in the spring of 1887, and the town company planned to build south of the tracks. However, Giles City refused to sell the 40 acres. Claflin City was established north of the tracks and was named after his wife.

The median property value in Claflin is $75,400, which is 0.314 times smaller than the national average. Claflin has a high homeownership rate, with 78.5% of residents owning their own homes. In Claflin, KS, most people commute by car alone, taking an average of 19.1 minutes to work. There are 406 people living in Claflin, KS.