Collyer, Kansas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Population & Steets in Colly City, KS are presented below. There are 79 people living in Collyer. 100% of the residents are U.S. citizens. The median property value in Collyer was $62,500. The homeownership rate was 94.6%. A majority of Collyer's residents commuted alone to work. A majority commuted two minutes or less each way. Collyer's average car ownership rate was three cars per household.

The population of Collier City is approximately 45,500 people, with nearly all of them employed. However, this does not mean that the city is completely reliant on jobs. In fact, the population is spread out across several neighborhoods, making it easy to see how many people live in the same block. The population is also reported in terms of how many people commute 15 to thirty minutes to work. Therefore, if you are looking to move to Collyer City, consider these facts.

In addition to working, Collyer's residents also enjoy a high quality of life. It is home to a large Unity congregation. Even though he isn't paid an adequate salary, Collyer was still active in his church after the war. The Lyceum was the stage where Collyer was at his best. Public speaking is his forte, and he also wrote poetry and sermons.