Conway, Kansas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Listed below are the Population & Steets in Conaway City, AR. Listed by ward, Conway is a thriving community with a high quality of life and a diverse economy. The town also has many houses of worship and community outreach organizations. If you are considering moving to Conway City, AR, you should know its population statistics. Listed by ward, Conway has a population of around 6,500 people.

The population of Conway is relatively younger than the entire United States. The median age is 28 years old, which is 9.2 years lower than the national median age of 37.9. The percentage of people who live below the poverty line is lower among White, Black, and Hispanic families than it is for other groups. The area's diversity is also reflected in the number of evictions.

The median household income in Conway City is $42,640. The per-capita income is $18,509. A large proportion of households live below the poverty line. That means that 16.3% of the population lives in poverty. Only 11.4% of the population is over 65. Overall, there are a lot of ways to commute around Conway City. And if you're one of the people who enjoy the convenience of carpooling or walking to work, then you're in luck!

In addition to its size, Conway is located in southwest Faulkner County. Interstate 40 passes through the city's north and east sides. Little Rock, AR is about thirty-one miles to the southwest. Russellville, AR is about forty-seven miles to the west. The combined statistical area is about seventy-five thousand people, which makes it the 60th largest city in the U.S.