El Dorado, Kansas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

You can find the Population & Steets of El Dorado City by using the map below. To find out more about this city, read on to discover some interesting facts about El Dorado. As a former mining town, El Dorado was once a relatively isolated farming community. During the Civil War, Confederate units passed through the town, but the town itself did not see any major military action. The railroads allowed businesses to exploit the area's native resources and built up a lumber industry. In 1883, the town was the site of a lynching, and the city's first Presbyterian church is now the oldest in the county.

There were 15,926 households in El Dorado City. Of these, 5,896 were occupied by people between the ages of eighteen and twenty-five. The remainder were either owner-occupied or rented. The vacancy rate for both owners and renters was 1.7% and 4.1%, respectively. The median age was 38 years. The median household size was 3.06 people. If you are interested in learning more about the city, you should visit the El Dorado City website.

The average income in El Dorado is $27,045 for a household. This means that if you are single, you are likely to earn more than half of the median income in the city. Families with incomes under the median level were 25.5% of households had a lower income than the national average. Those with incomes below the median level were considered poor. There are a number of outdoor activities in the area, including hiking, fishing, and horseback riding. You can also visit the botanical state park.