Goodland, Kansas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Located just 169 miles away from Goodland, Kansas, these cities have populations and steets that are roughly equal. The following list provides details about both big and small cities within the state. You may use the list to find flights between Goodland and the nearest big city. The cities listed below are close to Goodland, KS, and may be worth visiting if you're interested in getting a feel for the surrounding area.

The most common racial and ethnic groups in Goodland are White, Hispanic, and Other. The percentage of those living below the poverty line depends on a person's racial or ethnic background. According to the Census Bureau, these households earn less than the median income for their size. The most common occupations among people living in poverty in Goodland, KS are Management Occupations, Sales & Related Occupations, and Education Instruction, Library & Museum Occupations.

The population of Goodland is about 4,414 people. It is the county seat of Sherman County. It is about 3/4 mile above sea level. It is located in the Central Time Zone and the (785) area code. However, the most common way to get a general idea of the city's demographics is to look at the About Page. The table below shows the number of people living in Goodland City.

In 2019 the population of Goodland, KS was 4.32k, down from 4.515k in the previous year. This is a little less than half the national average, so the median property value in Goodland is about $80k. Goodland, KS has a high homeownership rate with 62.4%. The average commute time is 8.67 minutes and people own an average of two cars.