Haysville, Kansas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're looking to move to the Haysville City Center neighborhood, you're not alone. Many people in this neighborhood speak more than one language. In fact, 98.5% of households in the Haysville City Center neighborhood speak English, Italian, or Polish, among other languages. Depending on your ethnicity, you may also speak other languages as well. Different ethnicities have their own traditions and customs, and a neighborhood with a high ethnic concentration will also reflect these cultural differences.

While it's impossible to know exactly what kind of people live in the Haysville City Center neighborhood until you visit it, there are some important facts that you can learn about its residents. First, let's take a look at the economics of the city. More than half of Haysville residents have at least a high school education. The other half earn at least a GED. In addition to these numbers, you'll find that the majority of residents are in the middle class.

Another important aspect of your potential client base is how many people live in your neighborhood. Interestingly, people in the Haysville City Center neighborhood identify themselves as Germans, although there are others with Italian, Scottish, and English roots as well. As far as home ownership goes, the majority of people live in homes that are over eighty percent white. Moreover, Haysville residents have high education levels, with a median household income of $54,715.