Kinsley, Kansas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

When it comes to finding out the population and steets of Kinsley City, Kansas, you're in luck. The United States Census Bureau provides statistics on the city's median household income, as well as a variety of other important information. Kinsley is home to approximately 697 people. The largest industries in the city are Manufacturing (122) and Health Care & Social Assistance (117 people). These industries pay the highest salaries in Kinsley, KS.

The most common racial group living below the poverty line in Kinsley, KS is White (non-Hispanic), followed by Hispanic and Black. The Census Bureau uses a set of income thresholds to determine whether a family is considered low-income. The income of all members in a family must fall below these thresholds for a person to be classified as low-income.

The zip code for Kingsley is 51028. It is a multi-county ZIP code. To find a zip code, use the city's address or the city's zip code. To find a zip code by address, use the quick select feature. A city can have more than one zip code, and you'll need to know the last four numbers of each address in order to use the right one.