La Cygne, Kansas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following information will help you to understand the population and steets of La Cygne City, Kansas. The population of La Cygne is composed primarily of White people, but there are other races and ethnicities as well. The percentage of people who live below the poverty line is 0.305 times lower than the national average, at $240,500. La Cygne has a low homeownership rate, at 47.6%, and a high unemployment rate. In La Cygne, KS, the majority of people live in a single-family home. There are approximately 2 cars per household.

La Cygne is located in Linn County, Kansas. The city has a population of 1,048. This makes it the 181st largest city in Kansas. The city is based on the Central Daylight Time (CDT), which is 6 hours behind Coordinated Universal Time. The city is governed by a mayor and five-person city council. Members of the city council serve staggered four-year terms. Other boards and commissions are appointed to perform specific functions for the city.

According to the 2010 census, the population of La Cygne was 1,149 people. The city provides public water and sewer service. Residents can also expect refuse pick-up service. Its electricity provider is Evergy. Its cable television service provider is Peoples Telecommunications, LLC. The city has high-speed Internet through its fiber network. The population of La Cygne is also diverse. For example, there are about 145 people of African descent in the city.